What Can the History of Education Teach Us about Canada at 150?

2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the University of Ottawa Faculty of Education and the 150th anniversary of Confederation. This special year affords an excellent opportunity to not only celebrate all that it means to be Canadian but also to reflect on Canadian history and current consequences of past actions.  What can we learn from the history of education in Canada? Are the “two solitudes” still a reality? How can education better incorporate marginalized narratives, including racialized, gendered and Aboriginal perspectives?

This bilingual panel brings together four academics who will engage the public in a dialogue connecting how we learn and think about the history of education to our everyday lives as Canadian citizens. In particular, the panel will address this big question in terms of:

  • Racism and anti-racism (Tim Stanley)
  • French-English relations (Stéphane Lévesque)
  • Citizenship education (Lorna McLean)
  • Northern and Indigenous perspectives (Heather McGregor)

March 2, 2017, University of Ottawa